For the people who have followed me over from my old blog, hello again and thanks for continuing to follow along in my journey! I finally changed my blog name (again). This time, from "nicolescence" to "Next with Nicole." And, of course, this change came with an additional change in blogging platforms, from Blogger to Wordpress.

I've had a Blogger blog since waayy back in the 2008 or so. I'm sure that there are people who have had a Blogger blog for longer than I had, but this year, I decided to try out the platform I've been eyeing for a while -- Wordpress. I am so happy I made the change!
I have heard stories about how Wordpress has a learning curve at first, and yes, that is quite true. But, once you get the hang of it, it's not bad at all. It's actually very user friendly (at least to me) and gives your blog a nice, clean feel.
So now, about that name change. My Blogger blog and Instagram username was "nicolescence." Does it sound sorta kinda familiar to you? Perhaps it reminds you of a band name? If you know what I'm talking about, we probably listened to the same music. Back when I was in high school, I remember reading a Sailor Moon fan fiction story and read the lyrics from one of Evanescence's songs. I don't remember which song it was, but the lyrics just resonated with me. I looked up the lyrics online and discovered Evanescence! I was (and still am) a huge fan of their songs, and so "nicolescence" was born.
I exchanged my Instagram username with friends throughout the years, and what I noticed was that some people thought I misspelled "sense." Like my username was supposed to be "nicole's sense" or something of that sort. So I began to reflect and think. As much as I still love Evanescence, I think I need something that's more "me."
Throughout the years of my journey to becoming a nurse and now a nurse practitioner, I have always been asked "what's next?" As with most things in life, you just have to take things and go one step at a time. The question of "what's next" was always present with me during my journey, and I'm sure it will be asked of me as I continue on the transition from registered nurse to nurse practitioner.
Thus, "Next with Nicole" was born. After people was always asking me "what's next," I figured I'd just tell them what's next...or at least blog about the experience as I go. Perhaps there are others out there who will find the moments of my journey funny or even helpful to their own.
Do I foresee another rebranding or name change? Probably not. I'm quite happy with the name and with being able to share the "next's" in my life.
Nicole G.
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